Tuesday, April 26, 2011

St. Louis and The Flash Bus Tour 2011

I took a short trip to St. Louis last week. Why St. Louis? It was the last chance to catch David Hobby and Joe McNally and their Flash Bus Tour 2011. One day with these two and your brain goes into sensory overload... kinda like when your SB900 hits that thermal cut-off point...and then explodes into tiny little pieces.

True to form, David Hobby put it in manual and took on the morning with a balanced and methodical approach laying out his key rules for layering with light. Then in the afternoon McNally took the stage... took a few pot shots at Hobby, and then as he tweeted earlier in the day, went completely TTL haywire. You know that Hulk roller coaster at Universal Islands of Adventure park in Orlando? It goes from 0 to 40 mph in like 2 seconds... well that's what happened next, the only difference was the roller coaster only lasts 2 minutes, whereas Joe kept this up for next few hours.

Here are couple of quick snaps of David explaining one of his location set-ups, and Joe working it with Mike Cali along with some help from Drew Gurian. Both Mike and Drew were working hard and moving fast just trying to keep up.

I flew into St. Louis late Sunday afternoon and had a little bit of time to do some shooting the night before the session. However, it was overcast for most of that night and things came out somewhat flat. While I liked the composition of what I was shooting, I decided that black and white would be the best way to deal the flat grey sky. I think it was a good decision.



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