Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Walk Around Boston Continues

This is the second post of my Boston series. The city definitely has a colonial flair and you can experience the history of Boston by walking "The Freedom Trail". Along the way you will see 16 nationally significant historic sites including the Old State House, the site of the Boston Massacre in 1770, the Old Granary Burying Ground, Paul Revere house and the Old North Church.

Here are a few images from the Freedom Trail.

Boston also has one of the oldest parks in the United States, "The Boston Common". Established in 1634, it covers more than 50 acres. Originally used as a cow pasture, it also held public hangings up until 1817. It’s a much more friendly, active as well as relaxing place now. Adjacent to the Boston Common is the Public Garden, established in 1837, after which the 24 acre landscape was transformed into a botanical paradise. Paths and flowerbeds snake their way around a small lake over which you will find the garden's signature suspension bridge.

Stay tuned, the next post takes us on the search for higher education.



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